Oh Hi! Didn’t See You Come In
Random Thoughts The tidal forces around a black hole cause spaghettification of infalling matter. Or for child prodigy astrophysicists, “paskettification.” You can offer a black hole other foods but it’s just going to say “No!!! Spaghetti!!!” Something to add to the Paragon mythos. (Universal devourer Marvin Crackbaby is related to black holes.) I wanted to write a further black hole joke with the punchline “linguinification” but I Googled the word and a lot of people have done that already. Too bad. “Linguinification” is a hilarious word. Maybe I could say something about “lasagnification” instead. Make it a Garfield joke. “ Garfield Deforms Spacetime: His 36th Book .” When you think about it, the word “sweater” is kind of gross. As I continue to read Roger Ebert reviews, I notice that I’m gratified when he agrees with me [for example, that Dream a Little Dream (1989) is confusing] and irritated when he disagrees with me [for example, giving Looper (2012) three-...